007 XXS: 50 Jahre James Bond Man lebt nur zweimal
Hemsidan senast uppdaterad: 2025-02-04

007 XXS: 50 Jahre James Bond Man lebt nur zweimal

Av: FSWL team
007 XXS - Man lebt nur zweimal
Utgivning av 007 XXS: 50 Jahre James Bond "Man lebt nur zweimal", en ny tysk bok skriven av FSWL läsaren Danny Morgenstern. Boken ges ut i Tyskland av DAMOKLES till 50-årsjubileet av Man lever bara två gånger (1967).

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You Only Live Twice is a classic movie. 50 years ago, Sean Connery broke all box office records with his fifth James Bond film. Now, Bond specialist Danny Morgenstern takes a close look at the film and compare it to Ian Fleming's novel, the script development and impressive research results, reveals things that Bond fans will love.

In this film, and for the first time in the film series, 007 faces Blofeld eye to eye. Even today, the super villain of this adventure is the blueprint for many movie villains. The story of the original Blofeld actor being exchanged for another during filming is one of many pieces of information that the eighth volume of the 007-XXS series has to offer.

Readers, who threatened suicide, Sean Connery, who tore buttons off his shirt and even photographed him in the bathroom, to tragedies that occurred and catastrophes, in which you just slid past sharply, learn the readers.

Danny Morgenstern's review of this 007 film is exciting and interesting at the same time: You Only Live Twice has a very special atmosphere, not only through the exotic locations like Japan, but also through the impressive technique and catchy music of John Barry. Ken Adam's volcano crater set has gone down in film history as has Maurice Binder's title sequence.

This book offers everything one should know about You Only Live Twice - goosebumps for Bond fans.


Pocketbok: 232 sidor
Förlag: Damokles
Språk: Tyska
ISBN-10: 3981903218
ISBN-13: 978-3981903218

Beställ 007 XXS – 50 Jahre James Bond "Man lebt nur zweimal" från tyska Amazon.



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Grundare & Ansvarig utgivare: Anders Frejdh